Why go out on New Year’s Eve? when you can design your patio with these simple patio plant ideas and have fun at home? As this year is coming to an end, last year at the same time you must have some plans for your work or personal life for the upcoming year and I hope you must have achieved all of those by now.
So for the coming years, why not include Gardening in your list of hobbies which will not only give you plenty of produce but also keep your mind relaxed from your hectic work life? The backyard is a very important place to start with a patio plant garden where you would like to spend time with your friends, and family or often call your colleagues for some party
OK! Now I believe you must be thinking about where should i start, so I must tell you that starting little by little will be the key to your success. Instead of having long raised beds or directly planting in the ground, start growing in pots, which will be easy to maintain and give a perfect look to your patio plants garden.
3 basic requirements of patio plant ideas include a Colorful Landscape, Trees to add height, and Sunlight need of plant then select your variety in your patio plant garden, You will love these simple patio plant ideas which will force you to spend most of your time in your patio plants garden.
Playing with color with a background of green lush plants will definitely be your choice to design your patio plants garden, so will have a combination of some seasonal flowering plants with some big-sized green leaves plants to give some background to the patio garden.
Plants have certain needs, some plants can survive in shades and some need direct sunlight, so depending on the landscape of your patio you can place plants based on direct or indirect sunlight.
1. Add a Tree to your Patio
In this Article
It’s a good thought to add a tree to your patio plant ideas, Patios inspired by jungle-like greenery can be a good idea to surround yourself with lush green plants including your patio furniture, and if you stay in a city with heavy traffic, and pollution this can be your oasis of calm around you and a great way to reduce pollution around you.
- Paperbark maple
Paperbark maple is a generally little deciduous tree that gives a different magnificence to the scene all year, because of its various colors during fall and its skin turning copper-orange to rosy earthy colored bark (very uncommon for maples). The tree has trifoliate leaves that are dim green and toothed.

- Amur Maple
Amur maple (Amur ginnala), a charming little tree with a wide-spreading canopy, can be either a colossal shrub or a tiny tree, but it is more frequently climbed up to highlight its strong sculptural shape. While thinking of patio plant ideas the amur maple, one of the first trees to leaf out in the spring, eventually produces scarlet-winged fruits. The typical mature size is 15 to 18 feet high and wide. Zones 3–8 of the USDA. if you are not sure of the zone you belong to please check the Plant Hardiness zone map

- Golden Rain tree
The golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata), which has a beautiful form and can withstand heat, drought, pollution, and acidic or alkaline soils, is a fantastic street tree. However, this lovely tree really shines in the middle of the summer when its canopy is literally covered in dangling yellow blooms. Green papery pods follow the flowers, but sadly they become untidy when they mature to brown in the late summer. The typical mature height is 30 to 40 feet high and wide. Zones 5–8 of the USDA

2. Add Pots to enhance your patio plant ideas
Planting in pots is always a smarter choice in your patio plant ideas, Pots are easy to maintain and add a great look to your patio, you may select the size of the pot based on the plant requirement if the plant roots do not grow big basically in a case of flowering plant you can go with 12 to 15 inches deep pot and that can be round or square based on your patio plant design ideas.
- Pelargonium
These South African beauties flower from early summer until the first frost, making them a wonderful choice for low-cost patio plant design ideas. The zonal pelargoniums available at garden centers, which come in shades of pink, red, orange, and white, are great for adding splashes of instant color to window boxes and containers. However, if you want to get serious about pelargoniums, there are specialist nurseries offering fancy and unusual varieties.

- Roses
Think again if you believed that roses belonged only in expansive country gardens and borders. Numerous rose species can be grown on a patio in sizable pots, as climbers up a house wall, or even over a pergola. And for your patio plant ideas, roses in planters are ideal.

- Cherry tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes or any variety of miniature tomatoes are a fantastic place to start even if you’ve never planted edibles before! Many modern kinds are small and attractive, making them perfect for containers. Bring the sun to them. They are a double benefit plant that brings beauty as well as gives to produce from your patio plant ideas.

These are among the best tropical plants thanks to the alluring dark flecks on their petals that direct bees down into the nectar-rich centers. While pastel and pale kinds pair well with agapanthus, dark red, orange, and purple varieties look fantastic with plants with prominent foliage, such as cordylines.
- Alstroemeria

- Coleus
It is a colorful plant that can be indoors but it also looks gorgeous when kept among your patio flowering plants. They grow to a height of 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 cm), making them ideal for hanging baskets, pots, and the front of borders. Pinch out the growing tips after planting to promote bushier plants. In the summer, you can cut softwood cuttings from them to acquire free plants

- Calibrachoa
This common bedding plant, sometimes known as million bells, comes in a variety of colors, including bright yellow stripes, lovely pinks and purples, warm oranges, and peaches.
From July until the first fall frost, it will be covered in miniature petunia-like blooms since it grows quickly and flowers profusely. In the late spring and early summer, keep an eye out for young plants at garden centers. Plant them outside when the nighttime temperature doesn’t fall much below 51 °F/10 °C.

3. Add Hanging planters to give an all-around beauty to your patio.
Our favorite way to increase the hanging beauty in your patio plants’ ideas for the garden, no matter how big or tiny, may just be to add outside hanging plants. Consider adding accessories to a patio plant collection with colorful window boxes, a front porch beam covered in lush ferns, or a hanging basket overflowing with petunias.
Our favorite outdoor hanging plants have been grouped here to assist you in adding a little height and texture to your patio, porch, balcony, or landscape plantings. These include trailing vines, cascading blooms, and shade- and full-sun-loving plants. You need to consider a few care tips for them:
- Place them in an area where you do not crash your head while walking basically avoid hanging them on a pathway
- Plan to water them daily, since they are exposed to the outdoor environment and covered in a hanging basket or pot, the chances of soil getting dry are more which may start turning up leaves dry and yellow
- Put your plant directly in the planter rather than growing from seed this can be easy to care for beginners
- Fern
Considering Fern among your patio plant ideas can provide wonderful trailing foliage in areas that are shaded or partially shaded. “I adore the appearance of a hanging fern outside. As the leaves unfold, the detail is fascinating, claims Johnson. I trim mine in the late fall and keep them beside a basement window so they can regrow for the following season.

- Germania IVY
Some Gardeners also consider having creepers like German Ivy while thinking of patio plant ideas. This plant thrives in hot, sunny environments. Due to their summertime fly-repelling properties, the low-maintenance blossoms have become more popular in window boxes in Europe.

- Spider Plant
Spider plant is a very famous indoor plant, but you may include this plant in your hanging planters, long double-shaded leaves increase the beauty of your patio and become an ideal choice in patio plant ideas. This undemanding perennial enjoys bright sunlight, however, in warmer regions, avoid too much afternoon sun as it is prone to sunburn. Unless you are in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 9 to 11, prepare to move it indoors throughout the winter.

- Strawberries
Yes, that beloved fruit-forward dessert from the summertime is also a simple plant to grow in a hanging container! Because strawberries love the sun and are distantly related to roses, their blossoms are attractive and have a moderate, pleasant scent. Of course, you also reap the fruit’s benefits. You can consider this option of growing strawberries while planning for fruit plants for your patio plants garden.

- Pothos
This tropical hanging plant prefers warm, humid air, filtered light, and outdoor space. Consider a screened-in or covered porch. Plan to keep it indoors during the winter unless you live in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 10 to 12.

Q1: What plants are around a patio?
Ans: You can have any plants of your choice and landscape design, but ideally select some maple tree like Amur Maple, or Paperbark Maple to add height as well as color, if you love flowers then try some Roses, Pelargonium & Calibrachoa flower plants in pots
Q2: What is the most low-maintenance outdoor plant?
Ans: 10 – Easy to maintain outdoor plant
- Flowering Perennial: Hardy Geranium
- Perennial: Hosta
- Shrub: Hypericum Kalmianum
- Shrub: Mahonia
- Shrub: Buddleia
- Shrub: Ninebark
- Shrub/Small Tree: Crape Myrtle
- Shrub/Small Tree: Smoke Tree
- Tree: Hawthorn
- Shrub: Euonymus
Q3: What are good potted plants for a patio?
Ans: 10 Potted plants for Patio
- Strawberries
- Spider Plant
- Fern
- Calibrachoa
- Alstroemeria
- Coleus
- Cherry tomatoes
- Roses
- Pelargonium
- Geranium
We would like to know about your journey designing a patio with these patio plant ideas. please write us at [email protected]