Eye Opener! Are snake plants toxic to dogs?

Are snake plant toxic to dogs

I always thought of having a dog in my house, but I was a bit nervous about how they might go with my indoor plants, like other indoor plants I

Here’s How! Can You Compost Paper Towels?

Can you compose paper towel

Composting has gained significant attention when we hear in the news or social events that are conducted to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce our environmental footprint. It’s a sustainable way

do regular light bulbs help plants grow?

indoor plant light

So, you’ve decided to turn your living space into a mini-jungle, but you’re wondering, Do regular light bulbs help plants grow? Well! It’s a valid question and in this article,

Top 7 Air Purifier Plants for Room to Purify Indoor Air

air purifier plants for room

The Best indoor plants for oxygen and Air Purifier Plants for your room and to bring greenery to your living space. Air-purifying indoor plants with names include Pothos, Snake Plant, ZZ